Marketing can cost whatever you’re prepared to throw at it, and the most expensive initiatives aren’t always the most effective. We’d be happy to take a look at your present marketing plan if you have one, or talk through what you’re currently doing and give you a no-obligation assessment of how we can benefit you, whether your goal is to reduce your marketing spend or increase your brand awareness. Marketing initiatives we’ve undertaken in the past have included advertising design, press releases and follow-up, digital marketing initiatives, newsletters to existing customer bases, leaflets and direct mail campaigns, information websites, networking, social media and more unusual campaigns involving viral videos, publicity events and charity/local community engagement. We’d be happy to show you our previous portfolio, whatever area you’re interested in. There’s no pressure, but if you have any specific requirements, we will provide you an up-front quote and we’ll stick to it, so you know exactly what you’re getting and there’s no nasty surprises or hidden costs. To find out more, please click here to get in touch.