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Ohm Management is run by Charley Downey, an entrepreneur and business manager with over ten years’ experience in sales, marketing and commercial business management.

Prior to working in commercial management, Charley was a Royal Air Force Navigational Officer, which gave her an excellent grounding in crisis mitigation and management, leadership and project development.  She holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies from the Centre for Leadership Excellence at the University of Exeter.

Her biggest achievements in the commercial world include forming three businesses, two of which she later sold, winning a range of contracts for clients, the largest of which was worth £5.5 million per annum, project managing events from launches through to fund-raising events, the largest of which raised £100,000 for the client charity.  In terms of cost savings, her most far-reaching project saved the client company over 18% on total overall expenditure over two years, by implementing a series of efficiencies across the entire business.

Charley Downey is the author of ‘How to Opt Out of Recession’.

In order to provide the best service to Ohm Management clients, Charley works closely with a number of associate professionals in a variety of specialist disciplines to provide an holistic service.